Cumpără și vinde asset-uri digitale.

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La TOKERO, misiunea noastră este să facem crypto accesibil tuturor într-un mod simplu, rapid și sigur.

$HEART - a token for each human

Humans is a deep tech company that has attracted a $9 million funding round to sell its own cryptocurrency, $HEART. They have created a unique technology in the world - the Proof-of-Human method that uses biometrics as a form of human validation and uses blockchain technology to encapsulate each AI into an NFT (non-fungible token), thus providing a management and governance interface for that AI. 

Thanks to the Humans platform, people will be able to create whatever they imagine and through algorithmically generated content, ideas will be put into practice so that people are not limited by budget, space, skills or time. 

Three types of tokens are used to create transparency and accountability throughout the HUMANS ecosystem:

  1. $ HEART TOKENS is used for governance and payments within the ecosystem
  2. NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS (NFTS) - Used for ownership of algorithms, genomes, data, artificial intelligence and applications
  3. ESDT TOKENS are the representation of the governance and revenue rights of an NFT

Proof-of-Human technology demonstrates that behind every AI decision is a human, and the accessibility of the $HEART token says that each of us has the importance and power to change something or create what we want. 

Staking tutorial:

Staking is available at

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  • Atât litere mici cât și MAJUSCULE
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  • + un semn special
  • și are > 8 caractere lungime

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